French Higher Education Society for the Study of Medieval England
Find us on amaes.fr
AMAES now has a new website
AMAES is moving to a new website. It is not entirely ready yet, but you will already find everything you need to know about Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (on the agrégation d'anglais syllabus this year) there.
This site will close in the near future.
AMAES on social networks
About us
The society was founded in 1969 by Marguerite-Marie Dubois and Jean Robert Simon, who were both professors at Sorbonne University.
It brings together teachers and researchers with an interest in Medieval England in all its aspects: historical, literary, linguistic...
AMAES publishes a journal, EMA, which releases two issues every year (summer and winter). Past issues are all freely available on Persée.
We also regularly publish monographs or collections of essays.
Every year, members of AMAES receive the two EMA issues and a copy of the book published that year when there is one.
Since its foundation in 1969, AMAES has been a daughter society of the SAES (French Higher Education Society for English Studies), which is the largest national English Studies society in Europe. See the SAES page for more information on its daughter societies.
It is also in contact with several scholarly societies in Europe.
The annual meeting of the society now takes place in September. The exact time and place is given in our calendar and on our news feed as soon as it is known.
AMAES organises monthly seminars where members read and translate extracts from medieval manuscripts (in Old or Middle English). Our meetings take place on Saturday mornings at Maison de la Recherche (28, rue Serpente, 75006 Paris). To know the dates of the next seminars, check our calendar or our news feed. At the moment, the seminar is cancelled because of COVID, but we hope it will soon be back!
Current AMAES officers :
President: Colette Stévanovitch (2020-23)
Vice-president: Élise Louviot (2020-23)
Vice-president: Florence Bourgne (2021-24)
Secretary: Nolwena Monnier (2019-22)
Secretary: Olivier Simonin (2022-24)
Treasurer: Claire Vial (2019-22)